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Youth 4 Truth is commited to allowing the conference participants as much opportunity as possible to share in the gift of the sacraments. The mass is celebrated every day of the conference as well as daily rosary and the opportunity for all attending the conference to go to confession.


Youth attending the conference will be able to take part in all sorts of exciting games and activities. Teens engage in anything from soccer and ultimate frisbii, to stratigic individual and team competitions. At the end of the day, its about having fun.

The Conference's themes, activities and speakers are wide ranging and diverse, but there are some things that the Conferences  always have in common.


The conference is blessed to have been host to a such a wide variety of knowledgable and talented speakers, of all sorts; philosophers, theologians, priests, married, religious, lay single, youth ministers and countless other presentors have contributed and continue to add to the conference. 


It is an absolute joy and grace that the Youth 4 Truth Conference is able to be held at Mount St. Francis Retreat center near Cochrane A.B. in the beautiful foothills of the Canadian Rockies. The beauty of the scenery, combined with the amazing service of the Franciscan's and Staff at the retreat center contribute immensly to the conference.


Modesty is the virtue that protects purity. We request that youth attending dress and act appropriately so that everyone can enjoy this conference without distraction. Please, no tight, short or sleeveless shirts, tight leggings etc...


Respect and Modesty are fundamentals of both the Christian life and human dignity, and the conferences stresses that youth are expected to behave accordingly.

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